Tales of Everyday Magic
This special package features Hay House’s newest series of films in Tales of Everyday Magic. Bring the messages of Louise Hay, Wayne Dyer, and Gregg Braden to your living room!
Painting the Future DVD
Inspired by the writings of best-selling author Louise L. Hay, Painting the Future reveals how the thoughts we choose create the life we live.
Bonus material: Includes an additional hour of footage featuring Louise L. Hay and Cheryl Richardson!
My Greatest Teacher DVD
Based on the true life story of best-selling author Dr. Wayne W. Dyer, My Greatest Teacher is a compelling drama that explores the transformational power of forgiveness.
Bonus material: Includes an additional hour of footage featuring Dr. Wayne W. Dyer!
Entanglement DVD
Based on the writings of best-selling author and visionary scientist Gregg Braden, Entanglement explores the possibility of quantum entanglement and our connection to “the Divine Matrix.”
Bonus material: Includes an additional hour of footage featuring Gregg Braden!
The Magic Hands of Chance DVD
Based on the common underlying theme of the writings of Louise L. Hay and Dr. Wayne W. Dyer—the notion that if you change your thoughts, you can change your life—this film beautifully illustrates the magical power of belief.
Bonus material: Includes an additional hour of footage featuring Michael Goorjian!
Get more information here.